Lucie Brunet and Hiral Shah: Neurofeedback Providers — (ILF, LENS, and Traditional Nerurofeedback)
The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a unique and effective form of neurotechnology that targets the central nervous system and utilizes real-time brain waves to help alleviate symptoms, optimize functioning, and reclaim neurological and physiological potential. Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are lasting. It may be utilized as the primary treatment approach, or as an adjunct to other therapies. Clients across the lifespan, from young children (3 months old) to the elderly, and animals have benefited greatly from the LENS.
Hammond, D.C., Editor (2007). LENS: The low energy neurofeedback system. Binghamptom, NY, The Hawthorne Medical Press.
Larsen, S., Harrington, K., & Hicks, S. (2006). “The LENS (low energy neurofeedback system): A clinical outcomes study of one hundred patients at stone mountain center, New York.” Journal of Neurotherapy, 10(2-3), 69-78.
White, Christine (2008). Restoring optimal brain function helps many health problems: ADD, autism, depression, fibromyalgia, anxiety, PTSD, learning disorders, strokes, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis. Townsend Letter, The Examiner of Alternative Medicine.
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