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Infra-Low Frequency (ILF) Neurofeedback

Our intellectual abilities and emotional resources can be considerably enhanced with neurofeedback training.

Siegfried Othmer Ph.D.


Infra-Low Frequency (ILF) Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is the direct training of brain function, through which the brain learns to function better and more efficiently. Self-regulation is the brain’s core skill. During development, the brain learns self-regulation by way of feedback on its interaction with the world. We can now augment that process by allowing the brain to see itself in action from moment to moment through its own brainwave activity, the EEG. The brain effectively gets to watch its own dance of self-regulation in real time. This suffices to allow the brain to improve its self-regulatory competence. This is a gradual learning process. We refer to this kind of neurofeedback process as Endogenous Neuromodulation.

Most mental dysfunctions and disorders can be understood as dysregulations, the failure of the brain to coordinate properly in the domain of timing and frequency of its dynamics. (We use the term dysregulation when we’re just dealing with such dysfunctions. The medical term dysregulation is appropriate where underlying organic factors play a key role). Most brain-based dysfunctions are accessible to us by way of our brain training strategy. The training particularizes in terms of sensor placement and specific training frequency, depending on the issues. Also, training self-regulation is a moving target. That is why a skilled clinician needs to be in charge of the process.

Brain dysregulation is a problem for all of us at some level. We’ve all taken our knocks, from the birth process on, and in the course of life we come to accept our limitations. It can now be said that no one knows the inherent functional competence of their own brain unless it has had a chance to train self-regulation. Historically, this has consisted of the usual techniques that encompass meditation, mindfulness, physical fitness, martial arts, playing musical instruments, etc. The process can now be aided significantly by way of instrumental support that takes advantage of what we have learned about functional neuroanatomy (the connectome) and brain function in the bio-electrical domain (dynamic connectivity).

All sustained benefits derived from neurofeedback ultimately trace back to learning that has taken place in the brain. We are merely facilitating and potentiating the process. Our organization has played a lead role in the evolution of the clinical application of these methods over the course of the last 38 years. Nearly two million people have already benefited from our particular approach, at the hands of over 10,000 clinicians in over forty countries. The method is well established, and it is well represented in the scientific literature. — Per

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